Thursday, March 17, 2011

S.E.A. Formal Committee Member Spotlight-Ivette Medina

In an effort for you to get to know the people behind the scenes, every week we will be highlighting one of the 2011 S.E.A. Formal Committee members. You'll learn a little bit more about each Womyn and why they chose to be an integral part of this year's formal process. It's important to know that it takes many people working together as one to bring you an amazing formal experience.

This week's spotlight is on Ivette Medina:
What School/Chapter do/did you attend?
 New Jersey City University - Feline Iota Chapter

What year did you Pledge?
Fall 2006

Why did you decide to join the 2011 S.E.A. Formal Committee?
Well, it was truly about the timing. I took sometime for myself  last semester and when I decided I was ready to come back it happen to be around the time the email about the S.E.A. Formal Committee was sent.

What part of the 2011 S.E.A. Formal are you most looking forward to?
I'm looking forward to the photography section of the S.E.A Formal.

Why should sisters attend attend this year's S.E.A. Formal?
It's definitely going to be one for the books.

Make sure you check out for any and all updates for this year's formal!
We'll see you on the blue carpet!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

S.E.A. Formal Committee Member Spotlight-Jennifer Espaillat

In an effort for you to get to know the people behind the scenes, every week we will be highlighting one of the 2011 S.E.A. Formal Committee members. You'll learn a little bit more about each womyn and why they chose to be an integral part of this year's formal process. It's important to know that it takes many people working together as one to bring you an amazing formal experience.

This week's featured member is Jennifer Espaillat. Let's see what she had to say!
What School/Chapter do/did you attend?
William Paterson University, Geminate Beta Chapter

What year did you Pledge?
Spring 2004

Why did you decide to join the 2011 S.E.A. Formal Committee?
I'm the Program Director of the National Governing Board, and the S.E.A. Formal was added to my list of responsibilities in 2010. Prior to last year's formal, I had not been involved in any S.E.A. formal committee, but had always admired all of those Sisters who did for their dedication.

What part of the 2011 S.E.A. Formal are you most looking forward to?
I'm looking forward to the awards presentation because it will be different, since this year we're including the nominees!

Why should sisters attend attend this year's S.E.A. Formal?
1. It is going to be AMAZING.
2. You're going to hear about it, so why not be there LIVE walking the ROYAL BLUE CARPET?

Keep your eyes peeled for more featured committee members. And remember, you can always check out for any and all information related to to this year's S.E.A. formal. We're excited for this year's festivities and we hope you are too!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Get Ready To Walk the Royal Blue Carpet!!

The LTO banquet, now known as our Annual S.E..A. Formal is the highlight of each calendar year as a Sister of this organization. It is a time to reconnect with Sisters, celebrate accomplishments, and most importantly to highlight the Sisters and chapter that have gone above and beyond all year round.
This year, we would like to focus on the reason for the occasion: “THE AWARDS”. Using an Academy Awards OSCARS-like theme, we will focus, not only on the winners of each award, but also highlight all of the nominees.

To make sure we keep you informed. we have created a website which has all of the information for the upcoming festivities:

Starting now until the S.E.A. formal, we will be updating this blog with helpful information about the upcoming S.E.A. Formal as well as information about past S.E.A. Formals, informative articles on what to wear, and detailed information on this year's S.E.A. Formal Committee!
So stay tuned as we invite you to walk the Royal Blue Carpet and get ready to feel like a star!